Orlando Botox Treatment FAQ
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What is cosmetic Botox/Xeomin?
Botox and Xeomin are similar prescription medications that are injected into the muscles around the eye area to improve the look of wrinkles. They work by relaxing the muscles that cause severe lines to form around your eyes. It is the safest and most common cosmetic procedure performed around the world.
How long does Botox/Xeomin last?
Botox and Xeomin can last up to 4-6 months. Results can vary for each individual patient.
When will I see results from the treatment?
Visible results generally show within 5 days. Results will continue to improve over 1-2 weeks. Botox is the safest, most effective treatment for wrinkles around the eyes.
Are cosmetic Botox and Xeomin painful?
There is little to no discomfort with the injections. Prior to the injection, ice packs can be applied but are rarely needed. The procedure takes about 5 minutes with no downtime. There may be mild swelling, redness, or bruising after the procedure but that is uncommon.
Do the results differ for everyone?
Results can vary per individual. It is important to have an experienced doctor perform the procedure. Dr. Brian Haas has more years of experience injecting Botox than anyone in the Orlando area. He has been successfully injecting Botox on his patients since for 27 years.