Treatment of Eye Diseases
Diabetic Screenings and Evaluations
Diabetes is a disease affecting the blood vessels in many areas of the body, including the eye. Some of the ways Dr. Haas checks for diabetes to see if it is effecting the eyes is by dilating the pupils and looking inside the eyes to make sure the blood vessels are healthy. He may also take photographs of the inside of your eye or do a retinal scan to make sure everything is okay. He will communicate any findings to a patient’s primary care doctor, facilitating better glucose management for patients.
Diabetes affects many aspects of overall health, and the eye is no exception. In fact, the eyes can provide unique insight into the overall effect of the disease on a patient’s body. Dr. Haas performs comprehensive tests by dilating the eye to ensure the health of optic blood vessels. Retinal scans and high resolution photographs may also be used. Using the insights, Dr. Haas can work with patients’ primary care physicians to facilitate better glucose management and better overall health.