Ask Dr. Brian Haas…
Dr. Brian D. Haas at Boutique Eye Orlando would like to answer your questions! Have your ever wanted to ask an ophthalmologist a general question about eye care? Have you ever considered having cosmetic eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty), or maybe trying Botox or cosmetic fillers but were afraid and had questions? ...

Why are my pupils dilated during an eye exam?

Who can administer Botox in Florida?

Introducing Crystalens
Boutique Eye Orlando has talked about cataractsⁱ quite a bit on these pages. Perhaps that's because it's the most commonly performed surgery in the US, with over 2 million people undergoing the procedure every year in the US (that's 8,000 per day!). Perhaps it's because over 20 million people over ...

Eyelid blepharoplasty surgery isn’t just for the aging- why the young can benefit from blepharoplasty
Think about the traditional eyelid blepharoplasty surgery patient. What kind of patient do you see? Most likely, you see someone trying to reverse the signs of aging: the excess skin and fat that causes the eyelids to lose their youthful shape and vigor. Eyelid surgery, or blepharoplasty, is a simple ...

How does facial rejuvenation affect the way people feel about you?
A fascinating new report sheds some light on one of the more illuminating effects of facial rejuvenation. The study, from one of the country's leading experts on facial rejuvenation, revolves around a concept known as "facial profiling." Basically, this is the old adage that you can tell someone's character ...

Regular Eye Exams by Dr. Brian Haas are Faster and Easier than you think – and they’re critical to eye health.

I have cataracts. When should I consider cataracts surgery?
By now, dear readers, you've participated in many conversations with us about cataracts. We've talked about the latest lenses, the role of lasers, questions to ask your eye surgeon, and whether cataracts can grow back. In short, we've discussed the who, the what, and the why- but we haven't touched on the when. Let's fix ...